Bottled Water Facts and History

Bottled Water Facts and History
Water is and always will be an essential gift Mother Nature bestowed to nurture her children. Come to think of it, water had been around since the Earth is created, but how did water evolve and ended up in a bottle?

The Chronicle of the Commencement of Bottled Water

Since the beginning of human civilization, water was placed on vessels such as sacs made out of animal skins meant to hold water for traveling. The water bottling only began at the Holly Well dated back in 1621 in the United Kingdom, and since then, bottled water has sparked to higher demand.

Dated back in the 16th century, bottled water was used at spas as a therapy. Since one of the water sources is spring water, people thought that bottled water contains minerals and has therapeutic effects that help relieve diseases and other ailments.

Bottling water had popularized since then, and the creation of carbonated water that imitates the enthusiasm of spring water boomed.

Bottled water was also an alternative for certain municipalities to be used as drinking water since the local water supplies were contaminated with pathogens that are the major cause of ailments. Due to this, water filtration and purification processes were created.

The Kickoff of Water Filtration and Purification

Bottled Water Facts and History

Since the creation of bottled water and the knowledge that water is always contaminated by pathogens and is one of the major causes of illnesses in the family and community, the filtration processes were created to decrease, or better yet, inhibit the occurrence of certain diseases caused by water contamination such as cholera and typhoid. 

To avoid such diseases, what most families did back then to kill the pathogens in water was to boil it to a higher temperature that sometimes doesn’t give you that good taste.

However, there is no guarantee that these pathogens are killed, and the only way to assure you of safety is to filter and purify your drinking water to its potable state without the presence of microorganisms.

Filtration and purification usually have different stages and processes. Some use chemicals and radiation to kill and remove bacteria, and some use ionization and oxidation, a much safer way to do the same action.

These processes ensure that no sediments, pathogens, chemical and pharmaceutical agents are present in drinking water.

Benefits of Drinking Purified Water

There are a lot of benefits to drinking purified water. This is usually found in bottled water. Filtered and potable, bottled water goes through different processes.

Though there are different kinds of water stored in bottles, some have minerals, some are alkaline, some are flavored, and some are carbonated; they all undergo the same process.

Bottled Water Facts and History

Here are a few advantages and benefits of drinking purified water:

  • Free from disease-causing pathogens
  • Clear from turbidity and sediments
  • Keeps you hydrated
  • A great source of minerals
  • It makes you look younger
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Free from chemical and pharmaceutical toxins
  • Cleanses the body from toxins
  • It helps regulate bodily functions

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